
Monday, April 17, 2017

This is Your Baby

I teach a newborn care class and one of things I always say is, "This is your baby." I want parents to know that they can and should advocate for themselves and their child. This starts in the hospital: Do you want rooming-in? Are you wondering why your baby is being given a bottle? Would you like to help give your baby her first bath? Parents often tell me they feel like they have no control over what is happening to their baby (and to Mom) in the hospital, and that this is scary and confusing. The hospital staff has mother and baby's best interests in mind, but they do this every day, and may not be thinking about the  bewilderment of new parents. Feel free to ask questions, get involved in your baby's newborn care, and express any concerns you might have. Nurses and doctors appreciate direct communication and everyone will be happier if expectations are understood. Most of all, know that this is your baby and you are her parent, advocate, and caregiver - you can do this!